Sunday, January 2, 2011

So far this Christmas, Religion of Peace devotees have bombed a

church in the Philippines, blown up 45 flood refugees waiting in line
for Western food aid, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting in
Oregon and a recruitment center in Maryland, massacred 86 innocents
in attacks on Nigerian churches, planned to poison American food
buffets and implant bombs in human bodies, plotted the slaughter
of civilians in Holland, London and a newspaper office in
Denmark... and even set off the first suicide blast in Sweden,
which was intended for Christmas shoppers.

So when do we stop pretending that Islam is just another religion?

Planetary tremors shake Earth in 1st and 2nd successive waves

Posted on January 2, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol

 We are now in the midst of the second wave of global tremors to strike the planet in 48 hours. The first planetary tremor of the New Year dubbed the 11:11 event occurred on January 1. The second wave registers another planetary event between 11 and 12:00 .The 2nd tremor shows the heaviest seismic disturbances under Chile (above), Brazil and Antarctica.

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