Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Loud Cry!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dante’s Hell

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Palästinalied HD

Palästinalied HD

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015

Friday, December 12, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How Old Is Your Church?

If you are a Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex- monk of the Catholic Church, in the year 1517.

If you belong to the Church of England, your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the Pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry....

If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded by John Knox in Scotland in the year 1560.

If you are a Protestant Episcopalian, your religion was an offshoot of the Church of England founded by Samuel Seabury in the American colonies in the 17th century.

If you are a Congregationalist, your religion was originated by Robert Brown in Holland in 1582.

If you are a Methodist, your religion was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.

If you are a Unitarian, Theophilus Lindley founded your church in London in 1774.

If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started your religion in Palmyra, N.Y., in 1829.

If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1605.

If you are of the Dutch Reformed church, you recognize Michaelis Jones as founder, because he originated your religion in New York in 1628.

If you worship with the Salvation Army, your sect began with William Booth in London in 1865.

If you are a Christian Scientist, you look to 1879 as the year in which your religion was born and to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy as its founder.

If you belong to one of the religious organizations known as 'Church of the Nazarene," "Pentecostal Gospel." "Holiness Church," "Pilgrim Holiness Church," "Jehovah's Witnesses," your religion is one of the hundreds of new sects founded by men within the past century.

If you are Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ the Son of God, and it is still in existence, and always will be because Christ said so.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

UNLESS we have a moral principle about such delicate matters as marriage and murder, the whole world will become a welter of exceptions with no rules. There will be so many hard cases that everything will go soft.”

~G.K. Chesterton: ‘Illustrated London News,’ Sept. 21, 1929.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The founder of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ.

All of us know Catholics whom have left the Church for various reasons. Some left, and came back. Others were encouraged to leave and join other churches or religions, or they left religion all together.

They left because they did not feel that they had a “personal relationship” with Jesus in the Catholic Church. They left because they were hu...rt about a particular teaching. They left because they were fed up with the behavior of other Catholics, priests and bishops. They left because they were not taught the true beauty and joy of our faith, even though they may have attended Catholic schools their whole life. They left because they thought the homilies were boring, or the music was not entertaining enough. They left because they didn't feel welcome in the Catholic Church. They left sometimes for no reason at all – just that God and church were not a priority in their lives anymore.

Regardless of the reason, many Catholics have left the Church and we want them to come back home.

When they leave, and go elsewhere, many are often taught that the Catholic religion is wrong, that we worship Mary, that the Pope is the anti-Christ, that we are not Biblical, that we do not need to baptize our babies, and that we are all brainwashed and can’t think for ourselves. They are told that Catholics never read the Bible, that we don’t have a personal relationship with Christ, that purgatory is not biblical and doesn't exist, that abortion is okay, that marriage should be re-defined, or not defended, that you should never ask Mary or the saints to pray for you, and that the Eucharist is just a symbol, and not the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ.

And why does it matter if they leave the Catholic Church It’s all the same right?

It matters because as Catholics we think it is important to belong to the Church that Christ founded almost 2000 years ago. It matters because when you leave the Catholic Church, you leave the Eucharist – and all the sacraments that Christ Himself instituted. It matters because as Catholics we believe the Church contains the fullness of the truth, because it was founded by Christ Himself. This does not mean that we think other religions and Christian denominations do not contain any truth, for they do. But the Catholic Church, since it was founded by Jesus Himself and not a man, contains the fullness of truth, so we think it is very important to belong to the Catholic Church and share our faith with others.

The Catholic Church is both human and divine. Because it is divine, it will last forever. Because it is human, it will have scandals, and sinful people in it, just like what you will find in all denominations and religions. Scandals do not prove that the Catholic Church is false. They only prove what is obvious: that the Church contains sinners as well as saints.

Yes there have been terrible things that have happened in our Church - the sexual abuse scandal was horrible. I personally was disgusted with the behavior of some priests and bishops. Unfortunately this is not just a "Catholic" problem - the abuse of children happens throughout every religion, protestant denomination, organization (yes even atheist abuse children), school and family. According to what you hear and read in the media, it is just a "Catholic" problem. Not true. There is Evil everywhere. Evil does not discriminate and has no boundaries.

Despite humans messing things up at times, the Catholic Church was founded by Christ, and will forever be guided by the Holy Spirit until the end of time:

"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:12-13

"I am with you always, to the close of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

As St. Teresa of Avila says, "The Truth suffers, but never dies."

There are over a billion Catholics in the world, many of them holy and devout people, doing their best to imitate and lead souls to Christ. It's not too often that we hear the good that the Church does to help so many.

Among all the Christian churches, only the Catholic Church has existed since the time of Jesus. Every other Christian church is an offshoot of the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox churches broke away from unity with the pope in 1054. The Protestant churches were established during the Reformation, which began in 1517. Most of today's Protestant churches are actually offshoots of the original Protestant offshoots.

Only the Catholic Church existed in the tenth century, in the fifth century, and in the first century, faithfully teaching the doctrines given by Christ to the apostles, omitting nothing. The line of popes can be traced back, in unbroken succession, to Peter himself. This is unequaled by any institution in history.

Even the oldest government is new compared to the papacy, and the churches to which door-to-door missionaries belong are young compared to the Catholic Church. Many of these churches began as recently as the nineteenth or twentieth centuries. None of them can claim to be the Church Jesus established.

The Catholic Church has existed for nearly 2,000 years, despite constant opposition from the world. This is testimony to the Church's divine origin. It must be more than a merely human organization, especially considering that its human members—even some of its leaders—have been unwise, corrupt, or prone to heresy. Any merely human organization with such members would have collapsed early on. The fact that the Catholic Church is today the most vigorous church (and the largest, with about a billion members) is testimony not to the cleverness of the Church's leaders, but to the protection of the Holy Spirit.

Church history does matter, because if you study it you will see that the early Church was totally Catholic. The early Church believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist; Christ appointed Peter the first pope as the leader of the early Church; Early Christians did pray for their dead; Christ did give the apostles the power to forgive sins; Mary was loved and honored by the early Christians, etc. . . Think about it – if you are looking for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you can’t get more personal than when you receive His body, blood, soul, and divinity in the holy Eucharist, and are a part of the actual Church that Christ founded. It’s important to know this, know why we are Catholic, embrace the fullness of our faith and then be good, holy witnesses to others.

If you have never studied Church history, study it now and see what the early Church was really like, what Catholics believed, and what they practiced. So many people converted to the Catholic Church after studying Church history, particularly regarding the issue of authority. (Two great books to read on church history are: “Four Witnesses”, by Rod Bennett, and “The Father Knows Best” by Jimmy Akin.)

Blessed Pope John Paul II and Blessed Mother Teresa are two Catholics who truly lived their Catholic faith. Their holiness, love for Christ, and devotion to Our Lady set a wonderful example for all of us to follow. Remember - our goal is Heaven, bringing souls to Christ, and letting others know about the Church that He founded. As Christians we are all in this together, doing the best that we can to imitate Christ. As Catholic Christians, it is important to know what we believe and why we believe it, so that we can share the joy and beauty of our faith with others, and hopefully, help others in their journey to the Catholic Church.

So welcome to this "Love Being Catholic" Facebook page!  --- Hopefully we will all learn a little bit more about our beautiful faith, and share the love of Christ and his Church with others. For those who have left, please come back. There is so much that many of us did not know about our faith growing up, and we hope with God's grace this will touch some of you to at least think about returning to the Catholic faith. For those of you who are just entering the Church - welcome home!

Wherever you are on your journey, know that Jesus loves you. We love you where you are, and our hope and prayers are that you will be led gently and joyfully back to the Catholic Church. Being a part of the Church that Christ founded will bring you much joy, peace and closer to Christ than you could ever imagine.

The founder of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ, and for this I am truly humbled to be a Catholic. I pray that I will always be grateful for this gift, and that I will forever love and live my Catholic faith joyfully and charitably.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January's Full Wolf Moon

A lightning bolt hit the iconic landmark during heavy storms in the Brazilian city in the early hours of Tuesday morning
Striking: Lightning hits Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.
Striking: Lightning hits Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.
This is the jaw-dropping moment the 100-foot statue of Jesus towering over Rio de Janeiro was hit by lightning.
The stunning scene was captured during a flash storm which hit the coast of Brazil in the early hours of the morning.
The Christ the Redeemer statue is the largest depiction of Jesus in the world and stands more than 2,000 feet above Rio on top of the Corcovado Hill.
After being struck by lightning in February 2008, the iconic figure had to undergo restoration work because of damage to its head and fingers.
The statue, which was named one of the seven new wonders of the world in 2007, is made of 700 tonnes of reinforced concrete.




Monday, January 6, 2014

There are few things more Promethean than...

Presuming to receive Holy Communion in the hand, aka, 'God-grabbing'.

Presuming to receive Holy Communion not in a State of Grace, thereby committing sacrilege.

Presuming that a Communion plate is no longer needed when distributing Holy Communion to safeguard the Eucharist and any precious fragments, each one of which is the Lord God.

The unordained presuming to touch the Sacred, Most Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Presuming that Baptism, reception of Holy Communion and membership of the One True Church are no longer necessary for Salvation.

Presuming or imagining that by the whim of man's desire, the truth expressed by the Magisterium can 'change' to the degree that morality and belief no longer mean the same thing as they did for everyone else in Church history.

Presuming that Almighty God has sanctioned a revolutionary understanding in the sacred liturgy by reference to a vague 'spirit', like that of Vatican II.

Presuming to spread new interpretations of the Church's teachings that have no basis whatsoever in the writings of the Saints, Doctors of the Church, Church Fathers of the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Presuming that the words of Our Lord on various matters concerning morality and belief 'should not be taken literally'.

Presuming that by virtue of the high Office which you occupy in the Church established by Our Lord, that this gives you liberty to alter on a personal whim those customs, rules and norms followed by your predecessors because you have been handed 'absolute power' and the Office that you fill is now your 'possession', as well as the Church handed into your care.

Presuming that the Church's ancient use of Gregorian Chant is no longer suitable music to be sung in the liturgy.

Presuming to use white vestments or a white Altar frontal at a funeral, without the solemnity such an event demands, with a sense that we should pray for the dead, because 'everyone goes to Heaven'.

Presuming that everybody shall be saved, including those of other religions not attached to the True Vine or that Hell is empty.

Presuming that God will give you a favourable judgment upon Death.

Can anyone else think of various activities and trends taking place within the 21st century Catholic Church which are distinctly 'Promethean'? Prometheanism is really about unholy presumption - presuming that that which is sacred and holy ,which is not yours, is, or can be, or will be, solely by virtue of your own will, without any reference to the Divine will made known in His Holy Church, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Thursday, December 19, 2013

This Christmas

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Christmas Pledge I Promise... 1. To make my Christmas a holy day with Christ, not a holiday without Him. 2. To observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ, not a day to give and receive material gifts. 3. To remember that the real symbols of Christmas are the Star, the Stable and the Crib, not Santa Claus and his reindeer. 4. To teach my children that "Santa Claus" is the nickname of St. Nicholas, who gave to the poor in honor of Christ. 5. To help one poor family, in honor of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family of Bethlehem. 6. To send Christmas cards remindful of Him, the Infant Savior, not decorated only with candy canes, dogs, ribbons and wreaths. 7. To make room in my home for Him with a Christmas Crib to remind me that He was born in a stable. 8. During the Christmas season, in a special way, to honor Mary, His mother who kept the first Christmas vigil beside the manger. 9. To begin Christmas by leading my family to His altar to receive the Bread of Life. 10. Today and every day, to give "Glory to God in the highest" to work and pray for "Peace on earth to men of good will."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Gay Marriage Makes Just ANY Relationship OK
One of the arguments that people that oppose gay marriage used to deny legal marriage for gays is that allowing gays to marry opens the door for every other sort of “marriage”–marrying gays, multiple partners, animals, even children–and this eventually destroys society. Gays denied that their support of gay marriage created that slippery slope toward destroying marriage and the family, but a recent CNN report seems to make the lie to that denial.
On October 26, CNN published a story on Polyamory–the practice of having three, four or more people together in a “marriage”–with the practice being mostly portrayed as a perfectly normal, even desirable, form of “marriage.”
As America has argued about gay marriage, homosexuals claimed that they were not looking to destroy marriage as an institution nor were they trying to eliminate the nuclear family. They claimed that all they cared about were their “rights” to “love who they love.”
Of course, no one ever said they should not be allowed to “love who they love.” That argument was a red herring used to tug at heartstrings. In fact, all of the arguments gays used were emotional arguments and this is the reason that foes of gay marriage said that allowing gay marriage is just one more step toward legalizing just any sort of relationship, that gay marriage was a slippery slope to a host of illicit “relationships.”
Now we get this CNN piece that presents multiple partner “marriages” as a perfectly acceptable form of relationship. A major news organization has just present polyamory as normal, the exact thing that gays said would never happen.
Polyamory is part of the “because I feel like it” style of relationships, the very sort that fans of gay marriage said would never happen if they got their way.
But now that gay marriage is becoming widely accepted in the USA, we are seeing those “other” types of perversions coming out of the woodwork claiming that they, too, should be accepted just like gays are.
Ultimately, those that stood against gay “marriage” were 100% correct. Allowing gay marriage is just the first step in destroying the institution of marriage altogether, eliminating the family, opening the door to libertinism and license, and the complete destruction of responsibility and all this will certainly harm our children who will find a lack of stability in their lives as a result.
So, guys, do you want to “marry” four women? Gay marriage has given you hope. Do you want to marry your dog? Your couch? Get ready to walk to the altar. All you child porn-loving pervs out there, do you want to marry a kid? Thank the gays for taking you one step closer to realizing your sick dream.
After all, shouldn’t you be allowed to love who/what you love? That is the argument the gays made. Why is it good for them and no one else?
Gay marriage will ultimately tear down all legal barriers to other sorts of illicit “relationships” and will make just any sort of grouping legitimate quite regardless of what it will do to our children and our society.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

One Minute Sermon

Friday, July 26, 2013

About the Center

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots by Jeff Foxworthy: If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. What a country! How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America! Amen (thank you Jeff). A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots by Jeff Foxworthy: If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. What a country! How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America! Amen

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Prayer for Sanctity of Marriage Heavenly Father we thank you for the Sacrament of marriage. We thank you for giving us the example through the Holy Family as to how we are to live our lives. We come before you this day, as the powers of darkness are at work in our nation and in the world. As godless men are seeking to impose their ways on us, we recall the words in St. Jude: "Remember beloved all of you the prophetic word of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, how they kept telling you, "In the last days there will be imposters living by their godless passions." Protect us Lord from these godless men who are attacking the sacrament of marriage. Mindful that the weapons of our warfare are not merely human. They possess God's power for the destruction of strongholds. So with great urgency, in the name of Jesus, we call upon you Lord to overcome the plans of the godless. Come Holy Spirit come in His Mighty Name we join our prayers

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Exquisite Ave Maria

Exquisite Ave Maria

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gotta love this fella...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pope blessing a mother and her unborn child

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lyrid meteor shower peaks this weekend April 19, 2013 — This weekend skywatchers should anticipate April showers ... but of a cosmic kind.
Watch for a meteor shower in the night sky The annual Lyrid meteor shower is set to peak this weekend, on Sunday, April 21 and into the early morning Monday, April 22. The Lyrids are expected to produce a modest number of shooting stars falling at rates of 15 to 20 per hour. Meteor showers are generated when Earth plows through clouds of debris shed by periodic comets on their path around the sun. The trail of debris then gives rise to the Lyrids every year. They were cast off by a comet known as Thatcher which rounds the sun every 415 years. The chunks of debris, most no bigger than a grain of sand, slam into Earth's protective atmosphere and burn up at high speeds dozens of kilometers above our heads. As they disintegrate they leave bright streaks in the sky we affectionately call shooting stars. The best way to see this weekend's light show is to face the northeast horizon after 9 p.m. local time and look at the overhead sky. Each meteor appears to radiate out from the constellation Lyra – the shower’s namesake. It's very close to the lead star Vega, which is one of the most brilliant stars in the entire sky. Ideally the best location to see the show is outside of the city – far from light pollution, but even from suburbs meteor watchers should still be able to see at least 5 to 10 meteors per hour at peak times.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

7 clues tell us *precisely* when Jesus died (the year, month, day, and hour revealed)
If we put the clues together, can we figure out precisely when Jesus died? We recently celebrated Good Friday and Easter, the annual celebrations of Jesus' death and resurrection. We all know that this happened in Jerusalem in the first century. That separates Jesus from mythical pagan deities, who were supposed to live in places or times that none could specify. Just how specific can we be with the death of Jesus? Can we determine the exact day? We can. And here's how . . . Clue #1: The High Priesthood of Caiaphas The gospels indicate that Jesus was crucified at the instigation of the first century high priest named Caiaphas (Matthew 26:3-4, John 11:49-53). We know from other sources that he served as high priest from A.D. 18 to 36, so that puts Jesus' death in that time frame. But we can get more specific. Much more. Clue #2: The Governorship of Pontius Pilate All four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on the orders of Pontius Pilate (Matthew 27:24-26, Mark 15:15, Luke 23:24, John 19:15-16). We know from other sources when he served as governor of Judea--A.D. 26 to A.D. 36--so we can narrow down the range by several years. But how are we going to get it down to a specific day and year? Clue #3: After "the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar" The Gospel of Luke tells us when the ministry of John the Baptist began: In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar . . . the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness [Luke 3:1-2]. This picks out a specific year: A.D. 29. Since all four gospels depict the ministry of Christ beginning after that of John the Baptist had begun (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1), this means that we can shave a few more years off our range. The death of Christ had to be in a range of seven years: between A.D. 29 and 36. Clue #4: Crucified on a Friday All four gospels agree that Jesus was crucified on a Friday (Matt. 27:62, Mark 15:42; Luke23:54; John 19:42), just before a Sabbath, which was just before the first day of the week (Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1). We know that it was a Friday because it is referred to as "the day of preparation"--that is, the day on which Jews made the preparations they needed for the Sabbath, since they could not do any work on that day. Thus thus cooked food in advance and made other necessary preparations. The Jewish Encyclopedia states: Friday, as the forerunner of Shabbat, is called "'Ereb Shabbat" (The Eve of Sabbath). The term "'ereb" admits of two meanings: "evening" and "admixture" (Ex. xii. 38); and "'Ereb Shabbat" accordingly denotes the day on the evening of which Sabbath begins, or the day on which food is prepared for both the current and the following days, which latter is Sabbath. The idea of preparation is expressed by the Greek name paraskeué, given by Josephus ("Ant." xvi. 6, § 2) to that day (compare Mark xv. 42; Luke xxiii. 54; Matt. xxvii. 62; John xix. 42). In Yer. Pesaḥim iv. 1 the day is called "Yoma da-'Arubta" (Day of Preparation) [Jewish Encyclopedia, s.v., "Calendar"]. That eliminates six of the days of the week, but there were still quite a few Fridays between A.D. 29 and 36. Can we figure out which one? Clue #5: A Friday at Passover The gospels also agree that Jesus was crucified in conjunction with the annual feast of Passover (Matthew 26:2, Mark 14:1, Luke 22:1, John 18:39). Here we encounter a momentary complication, because Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe the Last Supper on Holy Thursday as a Passover meal (Matthew 26:19, Mark 14:14, Luke 22:15). That would suggest that Good Friday was the day after Passover. However, when describing the morning of Good Friday, John indicates that the Jewish authorities had not yet eaten the Passover meal: Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the Praetorium [i.e., Pilate's palace]. It was early. They themselves did not enter the Praetorium, so that they might not be defiled, but might eat the passover. So Pilate went out to them [John 18:28-29a]. That suggests that the Passover would have begun on sundown Friday. There are a number of ways of resolving this. For example, some have suggested that Jesus and his disciples used a different calendar than the Jewish authorities, and we know that there were different calendars in use in first century Judaism. It's also possible that Jesus just advanced the date of the Passover celebration for him and his disciples. I mean, they were already convinced he was the Messiah and the Son of God. If he says, "We're celebrating Passover today," and it's a day earlier than most people, they'd just go with that. (Note that he made other modifications to the ceremony, such as instituting the Eucharist in the midst of it.) And there are other solutions. However, regardless of what Jesus' movement did, we can look to John's statement about the Jesus' captors as an indication of what the Jewish authorities or the mainstream Jewish practice was: They were celebrating a Passover beginning on what we would call Friday evening. That lets us narrow down the range of possible dates to just a few. Here is a complete list of the days between A.D. 29 and 36 on whose evenings Passover began: • Monday, April 18, A.D. 29 •Friday, April 7, A.D. 30 • Tuesday, March 27, A.D. 31 • Monday, April 14, A.D. 32 •Friday, April 3, A.D. 33 • Wednesday, March 24, A.D. 34 • Tuesday, April 12, A.D. 35 • Saturday, March 31, A.D. 36 As you can see, we have just two candidates left: Jesus was either crucified on April 7 of A.D. 30 or April 3 of A.D. 33. Which was it? The traditional date is that of A.D. 33. You will find quite a number of people today advocating the A.D. 30 date. Do the gospels let us decide between the two? Clue #6: John's Three Passovers The Gospel of John records three different Passovers during the ministry of Jesus: • Passover #1: This is recorded in John 2:13, near the beginning of Jesus' ministry. • Passover #2: This is recorded in John 6:4, in the middle of Jesus' ministry. • Passover #3: This is recorded in John 11:55 (and frequently mentioned afterwards), at the end of Jesus' ministry. That means that the ministry of Jesus had to span something over two years. A fuller treatment would reveal that it spanned about three and a half years, but even if we assume it began immediately before Passover #1, the addition of two more Passovers shows that it lasted more than two years at a bare minimum. That means the A.D. 30 date is out. There is not enough time between the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar--A.D. 29--and the next year's Passover to accomodate a ministry of at least two years. The numbers don't add up. As a result, the traditional date of Jesus' death--Friday, April 3, A.D. 33--must be regarded as the correct one. Can we be even more precise? Clue #7: "The Ninth Hour" Matthew, Mark, and Luke each record that Jesus died about "the ninth hour" (Matthew 27:45-50, Mark 15:34-37, Luke 23:44-46). "The ninth hour" is what we, today, would refer to as 3:00 p.m. This allows us to narrow down the time of Jesus' death to a very specific point in history: around 3:00 p.m on Friday, April 3, A.D. 33. Of course, there are a lot of detailed arguments that I haven't taken space to deal with here. But this is the thrust of things. This is when it happened.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Generation that Aborted Will be Euthanized

Generation that Aborted Will be Euthanized

Call it the new population control. Dr. Peter Saunders of Christian Medical Fellowship looks at the combination of demographic decline, financial crises and disrespect for life and comes to a sobering conclusion:
The generation that killed its children will in turn be killed by its own children.
In other words legalised abortion will lead to legalised euthanasia as a cost-saving and population-control measure. . .
it is rich people in the affluent West, rather than the poor in the Global South, who say they can’t afford to look after their dependents and are clamouring for euthanasia.
He provides an alternative. Read it here

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

Friday, March 22, 2013

Church Militant: "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places." [Eph6:12]

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Five Positive Ways for Catholics to Rebel against the World
1.Avoid Cafeteria Catholicism – We can’t pick and choose what we believe and still be authentically Catholic. Follow the Magisterium and authentically practice our faith, trusting that two millennia of Church history and teaching are far superior to what we may come up with on our own. ‎”Be Catholic, really, faithfully, unapologetically Catholic, and the future will have the kind of articulate and morally mature leaders it needs.” (Archbishop Charles Chaput)
2.Put our Pride aside and Surrender – “Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.” (St. Ignatius of Loyola) It must take a pretty big ego to say no to Christ and His Church! What we need is more humility, total surrender and a sincere commitment to put Christ’s will before our own. I know from personal experience that doing it my way has never really worked out well.
3.Practice Personal Holiness – “The call to holiness is rooted in Baptism and proposed anew in the other Sacraments, principally in the Eucharist. Since Christians are reclothed in Christ Jesus and refreshed by his Spirit, they are ‘holy’. They therefore have the ability to manifest this holiness and the responsibility to bear witness to it in all that they do. The apostle Paul never tires of admonishing all Christians to live ‘as is fitting among saints’ (Eph 5:3). (Blessed John Paul II, Christifideles Laici 16)
4.Be Joyful! – It is so easy to get lost in our problems and forget to be joyful-it happens to me and just about everyone else I know. But, remember that we are surrounded by people who are watching us. They may be seeking Him and looking for someone, anyone, to show them the way to Christ. They could learn from our good example, be inspired by our joy and be encouraged by our faith journey if we will only remember that we are called to share the Good News. If we are gloomy, frustrated, inward-focused and critical of the Church we will never be able to help anyone and may put our own salvation at risk.
5.Pursue Heaven, Reject the World – Heaven is our ultimate destination and not this place called Earth. Will our critics help us get to heaven? Will they stand up for us during tough times? No, they will pull us into a secular way of life which has little room for God and where materialism and popularity are the fashionable idols of the day. Doing what is right is not always easy, but in the long run it is clearly the most beneficial. Why would we not choose Heaven?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Bible360 everywhere!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tonight, no lightning strikes; mere hours away from the end of Benedict’s pontificate, a bright beam shines from the heavens and the absence of gloom almost gives a shiver: a light shines in the darkness, a light ever-ancient, ever-new.

Michelle goes to Hollywood : News : SunNews Video Gallery

Michelle goes to Hollywood : News : SunNews Video Gallery

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

On This Day in Ancient History - February 24 On February 24, A.D. 303 the Great Persecution began with the posting of an edict, probably promoted by Galerius (Caius Galerius Valerius Maximianus) who was Diocletian's Caesar, but signed by all four of the rulers of the Tetrarchy. Paul Keresztes (citation below) says the edict probably included the following provisions: (a) all churches were to be destroyed; (b) all Scriptures were to be given up and burnt; (c) all, undoubtedly, persisting Christians were to lose all their rights in the courts of justice, whether as plaintiffs or defendants; (d) persisting Christians of high or special standing or position in society or elsewhere were to lose all the rights and privileges that derived from their special standing; (e) persisting Christians of the Imperial household were to lose their personal freedom

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Animals in love

Animals in love

Campaign Life Coalition - National March For Life

Campaign Life Coalition - National March For Life
Ignatius Press

"For the modern world will accept no dogmas upon any authority; but it will accept any dogmas on no authority. Say that a thing is so, according to the Pope or the Bible, and it will be dismissed as a superstition without examination. But preface your remark merely with 'they say' or 'don't you know that?' or try (and fail) to remember the name of some professor mentioned in some newspaper; and the keen rationalism of the modern mind will accept every word you say." —G.K. Chesterton From "The Superstition of Divorce", Collected Works vol. IV

‎"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." -St. Augustine

Friday, February 15, 2013


Falling meteor in Russia injures hundreds

Falling meteor in Russia injures hundreds

Thursday, February 14, 2013

CNN vs. The Catholic Church

CNN has an editorial called "Why next pope must open up church and usher in Vatican III" prominently featured on its website. It rails against the Catholic Church and advises the Church that it must "modernize" or perish.

CNN giving the Catholic Church advice on pretty much anything is like the wonder twins while in the shape of a dove and a birthday cake giving Batman advice on how to be more menacing. No, it's like Justin Bieber re-mixing Mozart to make it better by adding a rap verse about junior high school heartbreak.

If you're wondering how seriously Catholics should take the advice of CNN. Let's compare the two institutions:

Catholic Church: Founded 2000 plus years ago.

CNN: Founded in 1980.

Hmmmm. I'm afraid that if I were going to take advice about how to preserve an institution I'd have to go with the Church on this one.

Catholic Church: Founded by Jesus Christ.

CNN: Founded by Ted Turner.

One is the Lord and Savior, the other thinks he is and has a cheesy mustache. Hey look, for me it comes down to this, Ted Turner was a terrific boat captain but Jesus walked on water. He didn't need the boat. That ceases to be a contest solely on that front folks.

CNN: 388,000 total daily viewers. The Catholic Church: Over one billion Catholics.

That's not really a contest either, huh? CNN's viewership is a Catholic Church rounding error.

CNN Notables: Wolf Blitzer?

Catholic Church Notables: Aquinas, Augustine, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, etc...

Current state of CNN: Laying off workers because ratings are dismal.

Catholic Church Growing.

Catholic Church guarantee: The gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

CNN? MSNBC prevailed against it.

Catholic Church diversity: Has millions of Catholics of every color on every continent.

CNN Has Al Sharpton on television just two hours away from primetime!!!

Artistic Achievements:

Catholic Church: Inspired and preserved some of the greatest artistic achievements the world's ever seen.

CNN: Kathy Griffin poking Anderson Cooper's nether region on air in the desperate hope of being noticed.

CNN strives very hard to be modern. The Catholic Church is timeless.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Da Mihi Animas: A Prayer for Pope Benedict

Da Mihi Animas: A Prayer for Pope Benedict

Tea Party Community - Tea Party Hub

Tea Party Community - Tea Party Hub

Spirit of Dr. Ben Carson Will Transcend Tonight’s State of Union Address

Spirit of Dr. Ben Carson Will Transcend Tonight’s State of Union Address
Lighting strikes the basilica of St. Peter's dome Lighting strikes the basilica of St. Peter's dome earlier this evening during a storm that struck Rome on the same day Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation
Dearest Papa “the stars always continue to shine and so will the star of your pontificate always shine among us.”

Te Deum laudamus!: On Pope Benedict XVI: From disbelief, to unsettled...

Te Deum laudamus!: On Pope Benedict XVI: From disbelief, to unsettled...: In the title is the range of emotions I felt all within about a half-day of learning about Pope Benedict's resignation.  It was like be...

Tea Party Community - Tea Party Hub

I encourage you to join

Tea Party Community - Tea Party Hub

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

 “Legislating for the right for people of the same sex to marry is like legalizing male breastfeeding”.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is Obama biblical ‘Lord of the Flies?’ Prophecy sites have field day with president’s insect moments

By Aaron Klein
JERUSALEM — Prophecy sites are having a field day after President Obama garnered worldwide attention for sparring with a fly yesterday.
News media reports document how Obama has somewhat of a larger history of attracting flies during multiple recorded interviews and speeches.
Already, religious and other sites are using the headlines to point out that a biblical reference for Satan, the Semitic deity Beelzebub, literally translates from Hebrew into “lord of the flies.”
As Obama yesterday nominated two new members of his second administration it was a swarming fly that stole the show.
“This guy is bothering me here,” said Obama, repeatedly swatted at a large black fly buzzing near his face.
The UK Telegraph related how a White House pool report noted that “the president spoke for about five minutes while being menaced by a house fly.”
This was not the president’s first brush with a fly while the cameras were roling.
In 2010, Obama halted a speech about healthcare reform as a fly zipped around him.
During a June 2009 CNBC interview, Obama killed a fly on camera.
“Get out of here,” the president stated to the fly before interview began. When the fly persisted, he killed the insect with a single blow.
“That was pretty impressive, wasn’t it?” said Obama of his smashing the fly. “I got the sucker.”
During a 2008 campaign appearance, Obama halted a local interview after a swarm of flies had gathered around him.
Those reaching to connect Obama with the darkest biblical references aren’t having a hard time with the president’s fly moments.
One name commonly used to refer to Satan is Beelzebub, which translates from Hebrew into “lord of the flies.”
A posting at the popular Free Republic website discusses Beelzebub and asks, “ Is the White House fly infestation evidence of demonic presence and influence there?”
The End Times blog named Obama the “Lord of the Flies.”
The blog connects Obama to Beelzebub, writing, “This really isn’t an academic question. The Lord of the Flies is real.”
Over at, a posting by “editorial staff” muses about whether Obama is possessed by a demonic entity.
“I feel like I am watching a horror movie and the secret evil character is revealed by the evil signs around him,” the post reads.
Beelzebub is first referenced in 2 Kings 1:2-3, 6, 16, where Beelzebub is described as the god of the Philistine city of Ekron.
Jewish scholars have interpreted the title of “Lord of Flies” as the Hebrew way of comparing Ba’al followers to flies.
The name Beelzebub is found throughout the New Testament, mostly as a reference to the prince of demons.
In Mark 3:22, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of driving out demons by the power of Beelzeboul, prince of demons. The name also appears in the expanded version in Matthew 12:24,27 and Luke 11:15,18-19.
Beelzebub also makes a cameo as the prince of demons in the Testament of Solomon, a Hellenistic Jewish text.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks. -Charles Dickens, novelist (1812-1870)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The longest sustained, major march in the history of the United States.
Friday, January 25th, +2013, Washington D.C.
Estimates this year range from "over 400,000" to 650,000.
In the snow. Wind Chill c...
lose to single digits. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Study Shows Homosexual Parenting Not Equal to Heterosexual Marriage
WASHINGTON, DC, June 15 (C-FAM) A groundbreaking study reveals that adult children of homosexual and lesbian parents experience far greater negative social, economic and emotional outcomes than children raised within intact biological families.
The quality of University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus’ study highlights the deficiencies of previous studies that homosexual advocates have relied on to grant same-sex couples a right to marry and adopt children.

"The empirical claim that no notable differences exist must go," said Regnerus in his study published in Social Science Research.

Regnerus’ comprehensive study examines nearly 3,000 adult children from eight different family structures and evaluates them within 40 social and emotional categories. The results reveal that children who remain with intact biological families were better educated, experienced greater mental and physical health, less drug experimentation, less criminal activity and reported overall higher levels of happiness.

The greatest negative outcomes were found among children of lesbian mothers. This contradicts defective studies popularized by the media claiming children fare as well, or better, with lesbian mothers. Regnerus’ study showed negative outcomes for these adult children in 25 of 40 categories including far higher rates of sexual assault (23% of children with lesbian mothers were touched sexually by a parent or adult, in contrast to 2% raised by married parents), poorer physical health, increased depression, increased marijuana use and higher unemployment (69% of children from lesbian households were on welfare, compared to 17% of those with married parents).

Regnerus’ study debunks an often-cited 2005 American Psychological Association (APA) brief that concluded, “[n]ot a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents."

In contrast to Regnerus, previous studies compared children of homosexual parents to children of stepfamilies and single parents. Regnerus also relies solely on information directly from adult children rather than opinions from their parents.

A second new study confirms the studies touted by the APA are unreliable. Loren Marks, an associate professor at Louisiana State University, found the APA’s studies had limited data and focused on gender roles and sexual identities. They neglected to examine the children’s education outcomes, employment, risk of substance abuse, criminal behavior or suicide.

The discredited APA-endorsed studies have been used in attempts to impact international legal decisions.

Amicus briefs submitted in E.B. v. France in the European Court of Human Rights defended adoption rights for same sex couples citing APA studies with claims that no objective scientific evidence exists to justify “different treatment of same sex couples who wish to adopt because (to the knowledge of FIDH, ILGA-Europe, BAAF and APGL) all reputable scientific studies have shown that the children of lesbian and gay parents are no more likely to suffer from emotional or other problems than the children of heterosexual parents.”

In the case of Karen Atala and Daughters v. Chile in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), an amicus brief defending lesbian parents who lost custody of their children noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics “recognizes that a considerable body of professional literature provides evidence that children with parents who are homosexual can have the same advantages and the same expectations for health, adjustment, and development as can children whose parents are heterosexual.”

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

For a pittance men will travel a great distance, but for eternal life many will scarcely take a single step.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Catholic Squirrels

There were four country churches in a small TEXAS town:
The Presbyterian Church , the Baptist Church , the Methodist Church
and the Catholic Church . Each church was overrun with pesky squirrels
One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do
about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they Determined
that the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't
interfere with God's divine will.
In the BAPTIST CHURCH the squirrels had taken up habitation in the
baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and
drown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there were
twice as many there the next week.
The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a
position to harm any of God's creation. So, they humanely trapped the
Squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days later, the
squirrels were back.
But -- The Catholic CHURCH came up with the best and most effective
solution. They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the
church. Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feast day of our Guardian Angels

Perhaps no aspect of Catholic piety is as comforting to parents as the belief that an angel protects their little ones from dangers real and imagined. Yet guardian angels are not just for children. Their role is to represent individuals before God, to watch over them always, to aid their prayer and to present their souls to God at death.
The concept of an angel assigned to guide and nurture each human being is a development of Catholic doctrine and piety based on Scripture but not directly drawn from it. Jesus' words in Matthew 18:10 best support the belief: "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father."

Devotion to the angels began to develop with the birth of the monastic tradition. St. Benedict (July 11) gave it impetus and Bernard of Clairvaux (August 20), the great 12th-century reformer, was such an eloquent spokesman for the guardian angels that angelic devotion assumed its current form in his day.

A feast in honor of the guardian angels was first observed in the 16th century. In 1615, Pope Paul V added it to the Roman calendar.

Monday, October 1, 2012

St. Therese, "the little flower"Feast day

St Therese, age 4
Therese Martin was the last of nine children born to Louis and Zelie Martin on January 2, 1873, in Alencon, France. However, only five of these children lived to reach adulthood. Precocious and sensitive, Therese needed much attention. Her mother died when she was 4 years old. As a result, her father and sisters babied young Therese. She had a spirit that wanted everything.

St Therese, age 14 At the age of 14, on Christmas Eve in 1886, Therese had a conversion that transformed her life. From then on, her powerful energy and sensitive spirit were turned toward love, instead of keeping herself happy. At 15, she entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux to give her whole life to God. She took the religious name Sister Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Living a hidden, simple life of prayer, she was gifted with great intimacy with God. Through sickness and dark nights of doubt and fear, she remained faithful to God, rooted in His merciful love. After a long struggle with tuberculosis, she died on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24. Her last words were the story of her life: "My God, I love You!"
The world came to know Therese through her autobiography, "Story of a Soul". She described her life as a "little way of spiritual childhood." She lived each day with an unshakable confidence in God's love. "What matters in life," she wrote, "is not great deeds, but great love." Therese lived and taught a spirituality of attending to everyone and everything well and with love. She believed that just as a child becomes enamored with what is before her, we should also have a childlike focus and totally attentive love. Therese's spirituality is of doing the ordinary, with extraordinary love.

Therese saw the seasons as reflecting the seasons of God's love affair with us. St Therese, age 23 She loved flowers and saw herself as the "little flower of Jesus," who gave glory to God by just being her beautiful little self among all the other flowers in God's garden. Because of this beautiful analogy, the title "little flower" remained with St. Therese.

Her inspiration and powerful presence from heaven touched many people very quickly. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925. Had she lived, she would have been only 52 years old when she was declared a Saint.
St Therese as a Saint
"My mission - to make God loved - will begin after my death," she said. "I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses." Roses have been described and experienced as Saint Therese's signature. Countless millions have been touched by her intercession and imitate her "little way." She has been acclaimed "the greatest saint of modern times." In 1997, Pope John Paul II declared St. Therese a Doctor of the Church - the only Doctor of his pontificate - in tribute to the powerful way her spirituality has influenced people all over the world.

The message of St. Therese is beautiful, inspiring, and simple. Please visit the areas in this section of the Web site to learn more about this wonderful Saint.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon is the Harvest Moon, the full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox. Before electric lights, farmers working after sunset relied on the light of the Harvest Moon to help them gather ripening autumn crops. Now it's just a pretty sight. Look east for the Harvest moonrise on Saturday night.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Love is a whisper, Lust is a roar,
Love is content, Lust wants more,
Love is offered, Lust just takes,
Love mends the hearts that Lust breaks